Rich Milk Sheabutter Cream (100g)



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Health & Beauty

UNISAIF's rich milk cream is a lightweight moisturizing formula that hydrates, soothes, and softens your facial skin without forming heavy residual texture of its film. Perfect blend of glycerin hydrators, emollients and occlusives to manage all day moisturization. Also contains sweet Orange, olive oil, milk powder, rose water to further nourish & calm your skin. Suitable for normal, acne-prone & sensitive skin.



  1. Moisture locking effects to boost hydration.
  2. Reduce dryness, irritation of your skin.
  3. Calms and relaxes your face.
  4. improves radiance.


Direction of use-

Gently apply over face, body and neck, rub it smootly in a gliding manner until absorbed uniformly.
Apply twice daily for better results.
Discontinue if irritation occurs.

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