Rabbits in the Snow: A Book of Opposites

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Little Rabbit and her friends are playing in the snow. Rose Rabbit and Grey Rabbit are skating fast and slow. Honey Rabbit and Rust Rabbit are sledging from top to bottom. And Little Rabbit and Brown Rabbit are busy rolling snowballs, one big and one small, ready to make a snowman. But when the sun goes down it's time to say 'goodbye' cold snow, 'hello' hot carrot soup. Kind Little Rabbit has made enough for everyone!

Rabbits in the Snow is a stunning book of opposites, beautifully screen-printed by Natalie Russell.


Age - 3+
Grade - Pre-k
Author - Natalie Russell
Publisher - Macmillan
Format - Paperback
Pages - 24
Dimension - 22 x 0.4 x 22 cm

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