Rose Hip Tea Husks

3.00 K.D

3.00 K.D


Healing blend with pure Rose hip husks. Boosts immunity, aids digestion, and detoxifies. Rich in vitamins.

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Infuse Tea

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Food & Beverages

Celebrating a Century-Old Healing Drink: Rose Hip Tea Husks

  • Infuse Tea proudly introduces its Rose Hip Tea Husks, a medicinal old tea that combines refreshing and versatile flavors, promoting a new alternative to lemonade. The tea can be mixed with hibiscus for a zesty, sour-fruity flavor.


The Rose Hip Tea Husks from Infuse Tea contain the following one pure ingredient:

  • Pure Rose Hip Husks


The Rose Hip Tea Husks from Infuse Tea offer a long list of unbelievable health benefits, which include:

  • Prevention against Infections
  • Regulation of Digestion (both constipation and diarrhea)
  • Relief of Stomach Cramps or Nausea
  • Diuretic Effect, Good for Kidney Disease
  • Detoxifying Properties
  • Assist Kidney Problems
  • Rich Source of Vitamins C, A, and B
  • Anti-Inflammatory and Pain-Relieving Effects
  • Cancer-inhibiting Properties
  • Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
  • Strengthening of the Heart and Lowering of Blood Pressure


  • The Rose Hip Tea Husks from Infuse Tea come in a 50g package that will give enough quantity for good multiple servings.

Discover the healing powers of Rose Hip Tea Husks by Infuse Tea, which are hundreds of years old. This drink is refreshing, mixes well with hibiscus to give it a nice, zesty, sour-fruity flavor, and is packed with health benefits.

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