Mint Tea

3.50 K.D

3.50 K.D


Hand-picked organic leaves, mellow sweetness, aiding digestion, reducing stress, come in a 60g package. 

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Infuse Tea

Store categories:
Food & Beverages

Mint Tea: Pure Refreshment from China's Premier Tea Regions

  • Be revitalized with the freshness of Infuse Tea's Mint—a star blend made from hand-picked leaves derived from the leading tea-growing regions of China.
  • Infuse Tea focuses on quality and does not compromise it, ensuring that thei Mint tea offers you a distinct experience where nothing but the tenderest organic leaves are chosen and taken care of with extreme care.
  • Savor the sweetness of this tea with its mellow and refreshing flavor as the mint leaves do a little jig on your palate, making it truly a treat for connoisseurs.


  • Infuse Tea Mint contains small crisped mint leaves, selected to be of the finest quality and flavor.


  • Sore Throat Relief: Calm your sore throat and relieve discomfort with the soothing properties of Infuse Tea Mint.
  • Aids Digestion: Improve your digestive health and relieve discomfort with the digestive properties of mint tea.
  • Reduces Bloating: Reduce bloating and discomfort with the natural soothing qualities of Infuse Tea Mint.
  • Mild Stimulant: Experience a gentle energy boost with Infuse Tea Mint, providing a mild stimulant effect to awaken the senses.
  • Cough Relief: Relieve coughs and respiratory discomfort with the soothing qualities of mint tea.
  • Fever Reducer: Lower fever and bring comfort while ill with the cooling effects of Infuse Tea Mint.
  • Bad Breath Remedy: Freshen your breath and improve your oral health with the natural breath-cleansing quality of mint tea.
  • Reduces Stress: Reduce stress and tension with the soothing and calming aroma and flavor of Infuse Tea Mint.
  • Helps Nausea: Quell stomach discomfort and alleviate nausea with the soothing qualities of mint tea.
  • Reduces Headaches: Relieve headaches and tension with the refreshing qualities of Infuse Tea Mint.
  • Supports Weight Loss: Assist your weight loss with the metabolism-boosting effects of mint tea.


  • That is available in the convenient 60g pack; Infuse Tea Mint will fill your cup with pure refreshment in every cup.
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