Silver & Brown Bangles



Available in various sizes to accommodate different wrist sizes.

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Accessories, Fashion, Food & Beverages, Gifts

Elevate Your Style with F Store: Silver & Brown Bangles

  • Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and featuring a stunning combination of silver and brown tones, these bangles are the perfect accessory to elevate any outfit, whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or adding a touch of refinement to your everyday look.

F Store Brings You Exquisite Design and Superior Craftsmanship: Silver & Brown Bangles for Every Occasion

  • Each bangle in this collection is expertly crafted, ensuring durability and long-lasting wear. The sleek silver finish adds a touch of glamour, while the rich brown accents provide a warm and inviting contrast. Whether worn individually for a subtle statement or stacked together for a bold and eye-catching look, these bangles effortlessly transition from day to night, making them a versatile addition to any jewelry collection.
  • Perfect for pairing with both casual and formal attire, this piece of jewelry adds an air of sophistication to any ensemble. Whether you're attending a cocktail party, a wedding, or simply meeting friends for brunch, these bangles are sure to turn heads and garner compliments wherever you go. Their timeless design ensures they never go out of style, making them a cherished accessory that you'll reach for time and time again.

Care Tips for Your Silver & Brown Bangles from F Store: Maintaining Their Beauty and Luster

  • To keep your Bangles looking their best, follow these simple care tips:
1. Store your bangles in a safe box or pouch to prevent scratches and tarnishing. 2. Avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals, perfumes, or lotions, as these can cause damage to the metal and stones. 3. Clean your bangles regularly with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or oils and restore their shine. 4. If necessary, use a mild soap solution and a soft brush to gently scrub away stubborn dirt or grime. 5. Avoid wearing your bangles while engaging in activities that may cause them to come into contact with hard surfaces or sharp objects, as this can lead to dents or scratches.
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- The goods to be returned or replaced by a factory defect that cannot be repaired without compromising the quality of the goods or the goods are counterfeit, defective, or non-compliant.

- The goods should be cardboard and in the same condition at the time of purchase with full accessories.

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- Customers have the right to receive the price of the goods that have been returned in full.

- Customers have the right to receive the price of the goods recovered within 10 days of the date of acceptance of the return of the goods.

-Customers have the right to exchange the goods purchased within 14 days of the date of purchase on the condition that the goods are in the original packaging and unused with the full accessories.


How to return and replace the goods

In the event that the terms of return or exchange are met, contact us within 48 hours of your receipt of the goods, and the merchandise will be returned or exchanged through the address on the invoice, and we will need the original invoice from you at the time of purchase.
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The F-STORE delivers the goods by themselves or by use delivery companies as needed.
Upon receipt of the goods, we or the delivery person will ask you for your electronic or written signature on the invoice and this signature is a confirmation that you have received the goods in full as shown in the invoice.
If you do not have the address you have specified, we or our logistics officer will deliver the goods to anyone at the address specified by you with their signature on the invoice, so the customer will be considered to have received the goods mentioned in the invoice. Unless the address is changed by the customer in 24-36 hours
If the address specified by you has been reached and we are unable to deliver the goods, please contact the customer service to make another delivery appointment.

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