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Infuse Tea

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مأكولات ومشروبات

من Infuse Tea، يعتبر شاي Lemon Verbena هذا شايًا طازجًا للغاية ومتعدد الأوجه. This sun-ripened, incredibly versatile herb tantalizes the senses through its lovely, fresh lemony aroma and taste. Lemon Verbena's heady fragrance and captivating flavor makes it ideal as a hot or iced tea, and also allows for creative use in culinary dishes.
Lemon verbena leaves
  • Prevents Muscle Damage During Exercise
  • Relieves Congestion
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Helps in Proper Digestion
  • Sleep Aid
  • Detox and Immunity Booster
  • Weight Loss
  • Reduce Stress
  • Helps Treat Skin Infections
  • Helps Avoid Fever
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